Nurse! A Life in One Day

By Ray Leonardsson

Originally published as ‘Who’s the Diabetic Fish ?’, ‘Nurse! A Life in One Day’ takes the reader through a ‘long day’ (12 and a half hour) shift on a hospital emergency ward. This is the medical equivalent of four seasons in a single day.

At its heart, ‘Nurse! A Life in One Day’ is a tribute to the front line, the infantry of the NHS, the ‘plain-black-shoes, hair-neatly-tied-back, small-discreet stud earring only, nails-kept-short’ brigade, the sloggers, the people who care from the guts outward and turn up day after day to care for fellow human beings. To give a damn. Because in essence, nursing is just that – one person caring for another one.

‘Nurse! A Life in One Day’ is based on real events, laced with the gallows humour that goes with the territory, and more old medical gags than you can shake a stick at. And hopefully, some bits that might make you think…

This little book is dedicated to the wonderful health professionals who work within the NHS, and specifically all the colleagues who have put up with me while I have worked with them. Thank you.

I hope you enjoy the journey through the day. Sing along with the songs if you like. If you’re not sure of the tunes, please access the streaming site of your  choice to give you a clue. And can you tell the truth from the fiction? Bet you can’t…
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