‘Who’s the Diabetic Fish?’ has a new title. NURSE! is more identifiable to the main target audience – Health Care Professionals. Nurses, Care Assistants, Physiotherapists and the large range of people involved in the direct care of patients in hospital. If you have already purchased the original, the content is the same, so you do not need to buy it again (unless you want one for a friend, or two for two friends…). Anyone who has been into a hospital will find something they will recognise.

The publishers are currently working on the new title, and it will be available, as before, on this website and Amazon. In addition, good bookshops will be able to order it for you once the new listing is completed.

NURSE! A humorous, musical and reflective tribute to the dedicated, hard-working, wonderful people doing the heavy lifting at the sharp end of the NHS. If you can’t wait for the new title, you can order ‘Who’s the Diabetic Fish?’ on this website at the reduced price of £5.00 while stocks are cleared.

Enjoy the journey!

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